DIS Spring Event 2024 (Frühjahrsveranstaltung) - Programme

Newsletter 2/2024 - Upcoming Events

2/3 May April 2024, Hamburg

Visit this year's spring event of the DIS in Hamburg on the topic "Trust is good, control is better? Protecting the procedural integrity of arbitration proceedings". You can look forward to exciting discussions on topics such as "The arbitral tribunal as guarantor for the integrity of arbitration proceedings?" or "Guerrilla tactics in arbitration proceedings".

Further information can be found in the programme (in German). We have again arranged special conditions for you with various hotels and with Deutsche Bahn. You can find the registration form on our website.

We are grateful to be supported by our sponsors and media partners.

Sponsorship has no influence on the topics and speakers.

We look forward to meeting you in Hamburg soon!

DIS Team

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